The successful Turkish drama series Hercai aired on Telemundo TV channel in the United States June 22, 2021. To promote the release, Akin Akinozu, the series star did a whirlwind virtual tour of interviews. We have compiled several of them in a playlist on our YouTube channel and hope to add new ones as we become aware of them. Click on the picture below to view the playlist.
I am over the moon from happiness for our talented smart handsome Akin. I love love loved his photo shoot loved his interviews I love how we learned so much about him that he never shared, I hope he gets what he desires he’s the most deserving individual, with his phenomenal talent and dedication to this world he will reach the stars, where ever you go and what ever you do you will be beyond excellent I will be here cheering you on my beautiful soul Akin Akinözü just don’t forget us and share your work and success with your forever fans. Love you
In love with he’s work and talent. Can’t wait to see more of Akin in US 🥰
In love with he’s work and talent. Can’t wait to see more of Akin in US