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Akin Goes to the Army!

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Well, not exactly the army, but he is heading off to do his military service. In Turkey, which is a country nestled in an unstable region (surrounded by Iran, Syria, and the countries of the former Soviet Union), military service is mandatory for all male citizens between the ages of 20 and 41. Of course, there are some exceptions to this rule; for example men who are handicapped, mentally ill, or otherwise unhealthy, can seek exemption. Also, those men who are eligible but are enrolled in higher education institutions or in vocational training programs may postpone their service until completion of those programs.

All able bodied men must complete their basic service the term of which varies between 6 months to 12 months depending on the level of education (12 months for those with elementary or high school education, 8 months for officers with university graduates, and 6 months for those with university degrees who are not officers). Akin Akinozu, the star of the hit new series Hercai, is 29 years old and able bodied; so he’s off to do his duty to his country. But fear not! he’ll be back in time to begin filming his series in September.

You may ask how… Well, for Turkish citizens who have lived or worked abroad for at least 3 years, there is an option of a basic military training of 3 weeks for a certain fee in foreign currency. As we all know, Akin lived in California, United States for 6 years; from the age of 17 to 23 where he completed his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Mathematics at the University of California Berkeley.

Akin joins other actors of the same age range in doing his service. As an example, Alperen Duymaz of Carpisma, Aras Bulut Iynemli of Cukur and Can Yaman of Erkenci Kus are all of service age as well.

@Copyright by North America TEN

#akinakinozu #hercai #military #service

1 thought on “Akin Goes to the Army!”

  1. Assalamalikum my dear Akin Süreyya I’m deeply sorry for your loss please except my condolences in your mother passing away Saturday 7/20/2024 my Allah have mercy on her soul

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